James Part 1 - Trials, Wisdom, Poverty
September 11, 2022 Preacher: Trent Henderson Series: James
Scripture: James 1:1–11
James 1:1-4
- Trials will find us
- Trials are opportunities to rejoice
- Trials shape us
- Trials vary in their kinds
James 1:5-8
- When we don't know what to do, we pray
- We ask because God gives wisdom
- We don't doubt because we know the outcome if we do
JOY: I know that God hears and answers
TRANSFORMATION: my reliance + God's answer = deeper faiith
James 1:9-11
- Poor struggle here but not there
- JOY: what limits me here will not there
- TRANSFORMATION: clarity of genuine treasure and creative generosity
- Rich humiliated by lack of lasting value
- "What earns me favor with others earns me no favor with God"
- "The marks of success can hinder me from following Jesus"
- "What I count on goes away"
- JOY: I can invest in lasting things (1 Tim 6:17-19)
- TRANFORMATION: agenda change and open hands
Practical Questions
- Are you grateful for what God has entrusted to you?
- Are you enjoying God's gift as he intends?
- What does your giving say about your heart?
- Do you have a plan for investing in eternity via your generosity?
More in James
November 20, 2022
James Part 11 - Moments and Motives to PrayNovember 13, 2022
James Part 10 - Orphan SundayNovember 6, 2022
James Part 9 - The Solidity of Integrity