Part 2 - Do What You Know to Do
March 19, 2023 Preacher: Trent Henderson Series: Decisions
John 6:37-40
Relate Rightly to God
- Trust Jesus with your life
- Objection: this is really exclusive
- Response: it's universal offer
2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Connect with Church
- Church is family - a network of committed relationships
- It is not God's will that we be alone - never has been
Hebrews 10:24-25
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be Grateful
- Be thankful in all things, not for them
- Enjoy the blessings and return thanks
- Endure hardship and find something to be grateful for
1 Thessalonials 4:1-8
Be Pure
- Control your body and impulses instead of them controlling you
- Do good to others (and don't defraud them)
- Pursue holiness and wholeness
1 Peter 2:13-15
Honor Authority
- Encourage, affirm, follow godly leadership
- Our conduct is the best response to others' criticism
- If we do not submit to the authorities we can see, we will not submit to the One we cannot see
If you align your life with what God says in His Word, you can trust He will guide you in specific decisions.
More in Decisions
March 26, 2023
Part 3 - Framing a DecisionMarch 12, 2023
Part 1 - The Most Important Question