Membership at Heritage Park is more than joining an organization. Membership means ownership. Membership means saying yes to God and to the family He's created at Heritage Park and the role He wants you to play.
Like any good relationship, we think clarity of expectations is key. What's more, we think you ought to have some expectations of your church family like they have expectations of you - it goes both ways.
We think you ought to expect from your church family:
- Dedication to you as you are - a place where you're accepted
- Direction for spiritual growth - a plan that helps you be transformed
- Doctrine for spiritual nourishment - a menu of healthy teaching
- Discipline to pursue purity - a commitment to become who God wants
We think your church family can expect from you:
- Salvation - trusting Jesus for rescue and new life
- Transformation - ongoing and real change at the level of the heart
- Participation - plugging into the life of the church family
- Identification - acting like a family member (via baptism, Lord's Supper, etc.)
Because we take membership at Heritage Park so seriously, we want you to know what you're getting into. If you're interested in joining what God is doing here with our church family, plan on attending the upcoming membership class. The class is typically held on a Sunday evening and is a chance to explain who we are, where we've been, where we're headed, what you can expect, and what we expect. You'll also have the opportunity to meet the staff.
Heritage Park hosts a Membership Matters class several times a year. This is an opportunity to get to know more about the church. Childcare will be provided for birth-5th grade. If you are interested in attending the next membership class, please contact us to let us know.