Join us sundays at 8:30 & 11:00 AM

"As you are going, make disciples..." 

We are about pushing forward the Kingdom of God. We have a baseline expectation of all of God's people to invite others into what you have been invited into. Everyone has a story, we want you to be sharing that with the people God has put in your path. Finally, tell others about the Good News of Jesus Christ!

We are to make disciples in...

  • Jerusalem (our neighborhood)
  • Samaria (our state)
  • Ends of the World (other nations)

To that end, there are several local, national, and global ministries that we partner with in order to proclaim the Gospel as broadly as we can. You can find out more about some of our partner organizations below:



One of the passions we have had at Heritage Park is to be a church that plants churches. We had the opportunity to send out our former Student Pastor in 2020 to start a church in Galveston County.

3rd Coast Church launched Easter of 2021 and is located in a new development in Western Texas City called Lago Mar. Kyle Jackson and his team have a desire to reach people where they are, how they are, and show them who they are in Christ.

As the sending church of 3rd Coast, Heritage Park supports them in various ways. We are committed to planting healthy churches in our area and across the world.

For more information about 3rd Coast Church, visit their website.

83ba8f07-682d-4a5f-bab1-1060bfdacdca@2xGalveston Urban Ministries is led by Josh and Danielle Dorrell who have been investing in Galveston since 2010. GUM exists to Engage the community, Equip the church, and Empower people through wholistic programs. 

Every summer, our students take a trip to work with them for a week. Throughout the year Heritage Park partners with GUM to advance the Kingdom of God.

Find out more about GUM by visiting their website.


Afghan Newcomer Initiative logo copy

Houston has become a hub for many of the Afghan refugees that have had to flee their country after the American withdrawal due to aid they gave to our government and soldiers. Due to the complicated factors involved in resettlement, sometimes these individuals and families are placed in a hotel with only a few days of supplies but wait weeks for governmental assistance to begin in order to obtain basic necessities like food and clothing. 

We have been working with Catholic Charities and OTHER ORGANIZATION in order to help step into the gap to make sure these people experience the love of Christ in meeting practical needs (Matthew 10:42) by providing food, clothing, household goods, and even bicycles to help them commute to a place of employment as they get on their feet. As we have done this, we have also had the opportunities to have tea, host baby showers, and and many other chances to build relationships in hopes of sharing the hope we have in Christ with our new friends.



Heritage Park has long had a heart for fostercare and adoption, taking seriously God's call in James 1:27. While not everyone is called to serve as a foster parent, everyone can find some way of serving children in care and the families that welcome them. To this end, we have partnered with Sanctuary Foster Care Service to provide services both to foster children and foster families. This has looked like everything from families getting respite and babysitting certified to hosting events in our facility for foster families. 

You can learn more about the Sanctuary by visiting their website