The Devil is a Liar
October 29, 2023 Preacher: Trent Henderson Series: Gospel of John
Scripture: John 8:37–59
John 8:37-43
Two Wrong Fathers
- Abraham - ethnically linked but not ethically linked
- God - neither hearing His messenger nor His message
John 8:44-49
Your Father, the Devil
- Murderer from the beginning
- Liar and father of lies
- "You need that now"
- "This is really living"
- "Leave that for this"
- Questioning Jesus
- Questioning identity (v. 41)
- Questioning connection (v. 48)
- Questioning agenda (v. 49-49)
Sidebar: how do we know if it's Satan?
- Who Jesus is (v. 46)
- What Jesus says (v. 45,47)
John 8:50-59
How does Jesus respond?
- Promising life (v. 50-55)
- Fulfilling promises (v. 56)
- Claiming divinity (v. 57-59)
More in Gospel of John
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The Jesus Kind of JoyMay 19, 2024
How the Spirit Helps UsMay 12, 2024
Imitating Jesus